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Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

What is Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty)?

To get rid of the undesirable appearance due to sagging due to aging, rapid weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, or thickening of the arms after excessive weight gain, Dr. It is a method that Dr.Nejat frequently use.

Why Does Arm Skin Sag?

Arm skin is prone to sagging due to its structure. With advancing age, the collagen structure in the skin decreases and the skin loses its elasticity. For this reason, sagging may occur in the arm skin.

How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgery is the process of removing the sagging tissue of the arm the area with an incision made the elbow part of the arm to the part extending parallel to the armpit folds. Self-disappearing hidden stitch method, called aesthetic stitching, is used in arm lift surgery.

Operation time: 1-2 hours
Anesthesia: General
Hospital Accommodation: 1-2 days
Return to Social Life: 3-4 days

What Should Be Considered After Arm Lift Surgery?

- Corset should be used regularly in the postoperative period.
- Heavy exercises should be avoided.
- Heavy packages should not be lifted.
- Prescribed medications should be used regularly.
- Exercise should be started after 2-3 months.
- The area must be protected against impacts.
- You should not take a shower until the drains are removed, and after the drains are removed, you should take a shower 2 days later.
-While taking a shower, hard washcloths should not be applied to the incision areas and the wound areas should be protected pressurized water.

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